Several publicists have been working to get more visibility for Against the Tide. One venue they are using is the radio interview, which tends to emphasize the size and diversity of our country. I have spoken to Frank and Taylor during morning drive time in New York (while I looked out over the rolling black of the Pacific Ocean) and later the same day listened to the afternoon sounds of Clive, Iowa before speaking to John Busbee.
I have done about a dozen interviews now. It is sometimes the first time the interviewer has seen the Cold War period through anything other than a Vietnam focus, and they are interested in sharing this with their audiences. I think I subconsciously understood very few Americans have an accurate historical context of the Cold War or I would have written this Rickover book differently, but some of my interviewers have said Against the Tide has changed their view of Cold War history.
I have begun to think of these radio segments as day trips into the past.