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A roadmap for US military innovation based on the Navy's history of success through civilian-military collaborations
Dave’s diverse career has included extensive experience in government and industry as well as the military. He and his wife, Linda, now live on the West Coast. Immediately before he retired, Dave was the CEO of the EADS North America Defense Company. Before that Dave was in Iraq where Paul (Jerry) Bremer selected him to become the Director of Management and Budget for the Coalition Forces.
Leadership & Risk
Arthur House is currently the Chief Cybersecurity Risk Officer for the State of Connecticut, as well as a fellow Director of a publicly-held company. Art has had an extraordinary career as a regulatory of utility industries. In public service he...
“Leadership and Risk” blurb.
In preparation for the publication cycle, I have been requesting comments on my new leadership book. In some cases their comments reflect the reader’s background. Admiral Bill Houley is one such individual. He understands that leadership is one of those...
Revised Leadership Title
Asking peers for “blurbs” for my books always has become an integral piece of my writing process. This is never more true than the current go-round, when the friendly critics have been not-so-gently suggesting that Leadership and Risk is much...